Chandler Walnut Sapling

Chandler walnut sapling enjoy a high reputation in the commercial walnut industry for their desirable properties. This variety is known for its high internal yield and attractive appearance, making it a popular choice for commercial walnut orchards.

Chandler Walnut Sapling Characteristic

Chandler walnut sapling (Juglans regia 'Chandler') is a variety known for its large and quality walnuts. Its tree structure is strong and fruit yield is high, so it is a popular choice among walnut growers.

Chandler walnut grows well in temperate climates. They require proper conditions for full sun exposure and well-drained soils. Walnut trees are generally not suitable for extremely cold or hot regions.

Chandler walnut trees, like most walnut varieties, are insufficient in self-pollination. To obtain a good walnut yield, it is necessary to have another compatible walnut tree nearby for cross pollination. Walnut trees of different varieties that bloom at the same time can also be used for pollination. The preferred pollinator varieties for Chandler walnut are Fernette, Fernor and Cisco, especially Franquette walnut sapling.

The fruits of the Chandler walnut sapling are large in size. It has a smooth, light colored rind. Walnut is slightly yellowish in color. It has a sweet taste. Fruit internal yield is high and of good quality. It is a variety loved by consumers. Chandler walnuts are generally used for fresh consumption.

Chandler walnuts are usually harvested in the fall. It is ready for harvest at the end of September and the beginning of October. These times may vary depending on climate and growing conditions.

0 %
Fruit Yield Rate

Information about the Chandler Walnut Sapling

The important features of Chandler walnut sapling are given below.


It is suitable for places where late spring and early autumn frosts do not occur and have mild climate characteristics.


Chandler walnut saplings can be planted at altitudes between 1400 and 1200 meters and below.


Franquette, Fernor, Fernette, Cisco

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